Welcome to Quota Clubs New Zealand
Quota Clubs in New Zealand and other countries around the world are non-profit volunteer groups supporting people in their local communities. Members enjoy friendship and making a difference through hands on service and financial assistance to a wide variety of causes.
Quota means ‘a share’ and members share their time and talents in a range of service projects dedicated to particular needs in their local communities. These projects promote awareness of Quota’s support for women, young people, the deaf and hard of hearing, those with speech needs and those at risk or disadvantaged.
Clubs’ support includes The Hearing House, Senior Citizens, Children’s hospitals and health services, the Cancer Societies, Hospices, Sports groups, Scholarships.
You must be a school leaver enrolling to study full time at a New Zealand Tertiary Institution. This includes University, Technical College and other post secondary school education facilities.
Please download the Information outlining the Applicant’s requirements.